Let Us Help You Discern Your Vocation

Tune Out the Noise & Hear the Call
Amid the distractions of the modern world, it can be difficult to hear what you most long for: God’s voice. You know He has a special plan for you, and you continue to seek what it might be. Going it alone, though, can feel isolating and frustrating. Finding a group of Brothers to walk with you and pray for you leads to fulfillment as you strive to know and serve the Lord.
Find a Brotherhood of Seekers
At Belmont Abbey Monastery, in the Piedmont area of North Carolina, we seek the Lord, together. We are a diverse group of men with educational backgrounds as varied as chemistry, history and meteorology. We share a common link: a desire to know and serve the Lord that led us to this community. We pray for and support each other on this journey as we embrace the Benedictine vows of stability, fidelity to the monastic way of life and obedience.

Really Live
“Ora et Labora”
St. Benedict said, “And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.” More than 1,500 years later, these words hold great meaning for Benedictine monks. The Benedictine community acts as a family, and in that way encourages each other to grow in works and virtue. “Ora et Labora,” the Benedictine motto of “pray and work,” means that every act is done to serve the Lord.
Find Yourself in Prayer
Prayer is at the heart of Benedictine life. Everything that we do is meant to flow out of our relationship with God, which is nurtured and deepened in prayer. We gather for prayer six times a day as a community. We especially recognize God’s presence with us when we gather in prayer. The deliberate and unhurried pace of monastic prayer allows us to avoid anxiety and focus on peace. In this way, we can better focus on finding the Lord in our lives.

As Benedictine monks, we dedicate ourselves to “opus Dei,” the work of God, both within our community and on the college campus. We make ourselves available to students to discuss college life and how it fits into God’s plan for their ongoing vocation.
Abbot Placid Solar, O.S.B., serves as chancellor of Belmont Abbey College. In addition, some of our monks teach theology and other subjects, sharing knowledge and guidance with their students.

Get involved at our namesake institution
St. Benedict said that monks’ good works should be practiced in the environment of the monastery, which is why our work is centered on Belmont Abbey College. Grounded in a commitment to help students grow spiritually as well as intellectually, Belmont Abbey College embraces the Benedictine tradition of “ora et labora.” Our monks are often seen on campus, offering Masses, prayer and guidance, and building friendships that enrich students and monks alike.

Spiritual Guides
Our basilica is the heart of campus. Students and visitors regularly join us for liturgies, personal prayer, adoration and reflection.

Find Your Place at Belmont Abbey Monastery
If you’re ready to take the next step, our spiritual advisor is prepared to help. Fr. Chris can answer all of your questions, tell you more about our life here at the Abbey and help you to pray for wisdom and guidance.

Ready to Start Discerning?
This questionnaire is a great place to start the process.
Learn more about God’s plan for you.

Let Us Pray for You
No matter where your discernment process leads you, know that the monks of Belmont Abbey Monastery will be praying as you take the journey toward knowing the Lord.
Support our Mission
Your generosity ensures that the monks of Belmont Abbey College can continue the Benedictine tradition of “ora et labora” in service to God and others.