Are You Attracted to a Life of:
- Simplicity, where you’re focused on what truly matters in life?
- Peace, where perfect mutual charity is the goal?
- Stability, living your life in one place with the same religious family?
- Prayer, sanctifying your entire day by offering it to God?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then there’s a possibility that God is calling you to test a vocation to monastic life.
A Message from Our Abbot
- Learn about the Benedictine way of life
- Hear directly from our Abbot
- See our beautiful grounds
- Learn about our apostolate, Belmont Abbey College
The monastic life is focused on God, and a life of work and prayer. Do you have a desire for a structured life full of purpose in a particular place? Do you have a desire for peace? This could be your calling.

Be Not Afraid!
That first moment you perceive a possible call can be daunting. It was for many of us. Yet, we are all grateful that we followed that initial inspiration to explore monastic life. And we’re ready to help you discern whether you’re called to follow the same path.
Next Steps
If you’re trying to discern whether God’s calling you to the Benedictine life, then we invite you to follow these steps:
Get in Touch
Whether you have questions about discernment and vocations or want general information about Belmont Abbey, we invite you to reach out and ask!