It was a beautiful Easter weekend at Belmont Abbey. In particular because one student was baptized, three made a profession for full communion with the Catholic Church, and two Catholic students who received Confirmation all at the Easter Vigil. During his homily, Abbot Placid reminded those at the Mass, and all of us:
“And so, brothers and sisters, let us take the light of the risen Jesus Christ into the
darkness of this world, confident that, true to his promise, he will be with us and in us. Let us pray insistently and work untiringly for God’s salvation and truth to be manifest in this world; the world which the Son of God loved so much so that he gave his life to save it. In the trials and difficulties of life, in our discouragements and our failings, let us constantly and confidently ask for the gift of faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me. For Jesus has risen from the dead, never to die again. He has promised to remain with us always and, one day, to accompany us through death to that glorious and eternal life and light which we have gathered to celebrate in sign and sacrament on this holy night.”
Good Friday Homily | Easter Vigil Homily
See photos below from the candlelit liturgy as well as an Easter video message from Abbot Placid Solari:
Easter Vigil Photos:

Photo Credit: John Jacob